I have verified the existing thread but unable to get the exact reason and resolution of this problem.
PROBLEM: 'sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified' When code is as follows:
str_command_to_exec += str(each_cmd).strip() + "\n"
# Now execute the command
stdin, stdout, stderr = self.client.exec_command('sudo -S ls')
Below are the possible solutions that I have applied but still no progress.
Sol: Append the Password to command. 'sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified. bash: line 1: : command not found'
Sol2: stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(command, get_pty=True) More than 30 seconds still no idea whether control passed from exec_command(...).
Sol3: self.client.get_pty() Unable to setup the connection.
stdin, stdout, stderr = self.client.exec_command('sudo -S ls') stdin.write('\n') stdin.flush() time.sleep(2)
Unable to do the same for sudo command 'stdin, stdout, stderr = self.client.exec_command('sudo -S info')' cause the same PROBLEM.
Can someone please point me if there is any solution to handle Sudo commands or workarounds?
I am able to get the solution for this problem.
I have used send(..) instead of execute_command(...).
self.client = paramiko.client.SSHClient()
self.client.connect(hostname=self.str_host_name, port=22,
username=self.str_user_name, password=self.str_user_pass)
self.transport = paramiko.Transport(self.str_host_name, 22)
self.transport.connect(username=self.str_user_name, password=self.str_user_pass)
if self.shell:
self.shell.send(str_sudo_command + "\n")
if self.shell is not None:
self.str_sudo_command_result += str(self.shell.recv(1024).decode('utf-8'))
self.str_sudo_command_result = str(self.str_sudo_command_result).strip()
self.str_sudo_command_result = self.str_sudo_command_result.splitlines()
if len(self.str_sudo_command_result) > 0:
if "[sudo] password for " in self.str_sudo_command_result[-1]:
self.str_sudo_command_result = ""
self.shell.send(self.str_user_pass + "\n")
while True:
result = str(self.str_sudo_command_result)
result = result.splitlines()
if self.str_result_end_line not in result[-1]:
while self.shell.recv_ready():
self.str_sudo_command_result += str(self.shell.recv(9999).decode('utf-8'))
Suggestions and corrections are welcomed.