I have a SQL table like
docid State
12 MP
13 MP
14 MP
13 CG
14 CG
12 MH
13 MH
16 DL
I want a SQL query where I can get a result with only common "docid" for all the three states "MP","CG","MH"
Note: States are entered from user id in Where states = ""
I just used sqlite3 to reproduce your scenario using the following SQL commands:
CREATE TABLE tablename (
docid INT,
State VARCHAR(2)
INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (12,'MP');
INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (13,'MP');
INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (14,'MP');
INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (13,'CG');
INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (14,'CG');
INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (12,'MH');
INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (13,'MH');
INSERT INTO tablename VALUES (16,'DL');
Then I was able to query what you are looking for using:
SELECT mp.docid AS Docid
FROM tablename AS mp
JOIN tablename AS cg ON mp.docid = cg.docid
JOIN tablename AS mh ON cg.docid = mh.docid
WHERE mp.State='MP' AND cg.State='CG' AND mh.State='MH';
which returned 13