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How to sum the numbers in cells if there is text?

Guys please help with such a problem. Need to sum numeric cells with text inside? He gave an example of the table, like 1 + 3 + 8 = 12. Is there any way to solve this? Thank !

enter image description here


  • (i assume the task is to sum the numerical components of the cell content, ignoring everything else)

    In LibreOffice Calc, you can do this using a combination of three built-in functions:

    • REGEX() to eliminate non-numeric content;
    • VALUE() to get the numerical value of the REGEX() result; and
    • SUMPRODUCT() to sum up the calculated numerical values in one step.

    (I've set the "g" (global) flag as 4th argument of the REGEX() function. In your example, it isn't required, but the calculation would fail with more than one non-numerical character)

    1. Use REGEX to eliminate non-numerical stuff:

      Usage of VALUE() and REGEX() functions in LibreOffice Calc

      A2: Input value (string); B2: calculated numerical value; C2: Formula used to calculate B2

    2. Use SUMPRODUCT() and VALUE() to sum the remaining numerical values:

      Combination of SUMPRODUCT(), VALUE() and REGEX()

      A2:C2: Input values (strings or numbers); D2: calculated numerical value; E2: Formula used to calculate D2

    Here's a detailed overview over the formula:

    Function wizard showing an analysis of the formula