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X509Store works different than just MMC+Certificate/Import. What is wrong there?

I have a strange issue with X509Store. I have small tool that adds / removes things from store in pretty classical way:

        var pfxContainer = File.ReadAllBytes(strPFXFileName);
        X509Certificate2 x509Cert = new X509Certificate2(pfxContainer);
        X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.Root, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);

Everything will be done from console with admin rights. And everything seems ok – no errors, no exceptions. Certificate is there. Now if I’m trying to choose this certificate from IIS/Binding I become strange message:enter image description here “specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated…”

But certificate is ok - if I'm importing same certificate with MMC – there are no problems at all and I can choose and use this from IIS. Are there some bugs like with certutil.exe and error 87 or I'm missing something?


  • In order to work with IIS the certificate must be exportable and include the private key.

    To do that you must specify the Exportable and PersistKeySet flags:

    X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(PfxFile, Password,
                            X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable | X509KeyStorageFlags.PersistKeySet);