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Deque to string in Python3

In Python2 I was able to do something similar to:

frames = deque(maxlen=xyz)
framesString = ''.join(frames)

In Python3 I get an error.

How should I change it in order to get a string representing the deque object?

Thanks in advance, G.


  • From Python official documentation, you can use deque like this:

    from collections import deque
    # With an infinite length
    frames = deque('ytreza')
    # It will display 'azerty'
    # With a maximum length
    frames = deque('ytreza', maxlen=3)
    # It will display 'aze'
    # With no input
    assert len(deque(maxlen=3)) == 0
    # It will display an empty string    

    If content of the deque is bytes, a str conversion should be performed, with an expression generator for example.

    ''.join(str(element) for element in my_deque)