I was doing a game project in Windows Forms and really loved how it turned out, except for one thing that was bugging me: the new picturebox's I am adding are "eating" away from the one behind it, showind the background of its parent and not showing the image behind him, as I thought it will. Apparently that's how transparency works in Windows Forms, it copies the colors behind him, basically.
This is how it looks, and I want the animals to be seen fully.
I also tried this from another post here, but it turned out like this.
There might be no solution to this, I have other things in this little game I made. There is another picturebox with other buttons and stuff, that represents the shop. And also you can see in both images that there is a pannel in the bottom section with some details. In that case, I would leave it as it is and maybe try another time to move it to WPF.
=================== EDIT ===================
The accepted answer helped me switch from a game with overlaying PictureBoxes to a game where I "paint" each frame of the game on the background. Check that answer's comment for more details about this :) This is how it turned out.
This is specifically for my code, where I have a static Resources class. Yours could look a lot cleaner, maybe you have this Render function where you have every other rectangle and image. I hope this helps everyone that visits this page :)
// ================ SOLUTION ================
public static void Render()
//draw the background again. This is efficient enough, maybe because the pixels that did not changed won't be redrawn
grp.DrawImage(Resources.gameBackground, 0, 0);
//draw the squirrel image on the position and length of the "squirrel" Rectangle
grp.DrawImage(Resources.currentSquirrelImage, Resources.squirrel.X, Resources.squirrel.Y, Resources.squirrel.Width, Resources.squirrel.Height);
//after that, draw each projectile (acorns, wallnuts) the same way
foreach (Projectile projectile in Resources.projectiles)
grp.DrawImage(projectile.image, projectile.rect.X, projectile.rect.Y, projectile.rect.Width, projectile.rect.Height);
//then draw each animal
foreach (Enemy animal in Resources.enemies)
grp.DrawImage(animal.image, animal.rect.X, animal.rect.Y, animal.rect.Width, animal.rect.Height);
//and finally, the image that shows where the squirrel is shooting
grp.DrawImage(Resources.selectionImge, Resources.selection.X, Resources.selection.Y, Resources.Selection.Width, Resources.Selection.Height);
//update the image of the game picturebox
form.TheGame.Image = bmp;
As you have noticed .net control transparency is not real transparency, it copies it's parent background, so if you have other sibiling controls the one with the higher Z index will occlude the others.
If you want to create a game avoid the usage of picture boxes, there are many options: use a game engine like Unity or roll your own.
Something easy to do is to create a Bitmap, render your game in it and then present it in your form, but beware, that can be slow.
EDIT: As you requested here is an example on how to use the Intersect
function of the Rectangle struct to determine which parts of two rectangles overlap.
Rectangle R1 = new Rectangle (0,0,32,32);
Rectangle R2 = new Rectangle (16,16,32,32);
//To test if a rectangle intersects with another...
bool intersects = R1.IntersectsWith(R2); //If does not intersect then there's nothing to update
//To determine the area that two rectangles intersect
Rectangle intersection = Rectangle.Intersect(R1, R2); //In this example that would return a rectangle with (16,16,16,16).