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How to use gatsby-image and contentful

I'm trying to handle the retina images in a Gatsby project. My content provider is Contentful. I'm uploading the 2x images. I'm currently using the Gatsby-images plugin. To get the correct image I'm using:


I also using the tag that supposes to handle retina images.

<Img fluid={image.fluid} alt="" class="mw-100 d-inline-block" />

But.. at the end of the day. I'm getting the wrong images.

I'm getting the 800w so It seems that I'm getting one breakpoint behind the image.


  • I've solved the issue. There were two issues, by default Gatsby Plugin Sharp ( uses quality 50 and maxWidth 800px. I just update qualify 100 and maxWidth of 2500 since I was waiting for bigger images.

    fluid(maxWidth: 2500, quality: 100){