I am using CameraX (Beta) and using Analyzer with an executor to analyze the image and draw bounds/overlay on it. Based on the documentation, I need to close the image proxy to continue to get the images into the analyze function. When I add the imageProxy.close() call, it fails with Image Already closed error. What am I missing here? Analyzer Code:
private val successListener = OnSuccessListener<List<DetectedObject>> { papers ->
val rectPoints= mutableListOf<Rect>()
Log.d(TAG," overlayRef Info: ${overlayRef.get()}")
for (paper in papers) {
val bounds = paper.boundingBox
val paperId = paper.trackingId
Log.d(TAG, "Successful Paper Analysis - Bounds of the paper: $bounds")
Log.d(TAG," Labels found on the paper: ${paper.labels}")
Log.d(TAG, "Invoking pointsRectListener for : $rectPoints")
private val failureListener = OnFailureListener { e ->
Log.e(TAG, "Paper analysis failure.", e)
override fun analyze(imageProxy: ImageProxy) {
val mediaImage = imageProxy?.image ?: return
Log.d(TAG,"entered analysis..analysis in progress?$isAnalyzing.get()")
if (!isAnalyzing.get()){
Log.d(TAG,"No other analysis in progress..so starting analysis now")
val currentTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (currentTimestamp - lastAnalyzedTimestamp >= TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1)) {
currentTimestamp - lastAnalyzedTimestamp
analysisSizeListener?.invoke(Size(imageProxy.width, imageProxy.height))
val image = InputImage.fromMediaImage(mediaImage, imageProxy.imageInfo.rotationDegrees)
Code where I am instantiating and binding to lifecycle
.also {
it.setAnalyzer(cameraExecutor, PaperAnalyzer( WeakReference(overlayView)).apply {
pointsRectListener = { rectPoints ->
overlayView.rectPoints = rectPoints
analysisSizeListener = {
updateOverlayTransform(overlayView, it)
try {
camera = cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(
this, cameraSelector, preview, imageCapture, paperAnalyzer)
// Attach the viewfinder's surface provider to preview use case
} catch (exc: Exception) {
Log.e(TAG, "Use case binding failed", exc)
It seems like the logic you're trying to accomplish looks like this.
fun analyze(imageProxy) {
if (isAnalyzing) {
imageProxy.close() // 1
} else {
val image = imageInput.fromMediaImage(...)
.addOnSuccessListener(OnSuccessListener { result ->
// Do something with the result
imageProxy.close() // 2
.addOnFailureListener(OnFailureListener { exception ->
// Do something with the exception
imageProxy.close() // 3
I might be wrong, but it looks like you're doing 1, but not 2 and 3. Could you update your code to follow this pattern and see if you're still encountering the issue.