I'm having trouble unquoting variable created by a function (with a prefix if it matters) for subsequent usage later in the function. enquo doesn't seem to work, but I'm sure I'm doing something dumb. (I'm new to tidyeval.
names( apistrat)
apistrat <- apistrat %>% as_survey_design(ids = 1, fpc = fpc)
test_func <- function(var) {
apistrat %>% mutate(col.grad=as.factor(col.grad)) %>% group_by(col.grad) %>%
summarise("mean_{{var}}" := survey_mean({{ var }}, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
mutate("ub_mean_{{var}}" :=
"mean_{{var}}_se" * 1.96 + "mean_{{var}}") #Think I need to unquote for this line so it's evaluated
#Tried this, which didn't work
test_func <- function(var) {
apistrat %>% mutate(col.grad=as.factor(col.grad)) %>% group_by(col.grad) %>%
summarise("mean_{{var}}" := survey_mean({{ var }}, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
mutate("ub_mean_{{var}}" :=
enquo("mean_{{var}}_se") * 1.96 + enquo("mean_{{var}}")) #Think I need to unquote for this line so it's evaluated
#Desired output
test_func <- function(var) {
apistrat %>% mutate(col.grad=as.factor(col.grad)) %>% group_by(col.grad) %>%
summarise("mean_{{var}}" := survey_mean({{ var }}, na.rm=TRUE))
test_func(meals) %>% mutate(ub_mean_meals=mean_meals_se*1.96+mean_meals) #Want this part in the function
The challenge is wanting to manipulate variable names, which is best done with string arithmetic instead of expression arithmetic. One approach is to create a wrapper that converts symbols to strings, splices them together and then converts the result back to a symbol:
library( tidyverse )
lbl <- function(...) {ensyms(...) %>% reduce(str_c) %>% sym}
You can then use this wrapper to create new labels on the fly:
test_func <- function(var) {
L1 <- lbl( mean_, {{var}} )
L2 <- lbl( mean_, {{var}}, `_se` )
L3 <- lbl( ub_mean_, {{var}} )
apistrat %>% mutate(col.grad=as.factor(col.grad)) %>% group_by(col.grad) %>%
summarise( !!L1 := survey_mean({{ var }}, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
mutate( !!L3 := !!L2 * 1.96 + !!L1 )
# # A tibble: 48 x 4
# col.grad mean_meals mean_meals_se ub_mean_meals
# <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 0 51.5 7.71 66.6
# 2 2 96 0.916 97.8
# 3 3 83.9 6.45 96.6
# 4 4 96 2.77 101.
# ...