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Passing multiple params through vue-router with one of them used in the URL

I am trying to pass data from one route to another. However, I need to pass an ID and title to the child route and use only the title in the URL but not the ID. I will use the ID to fetch data. I have read everywhere and I cannot think of a solution to my problem.


Let's say we are at route called "Library", where we have different books. When clicking on one of the books, I want to go to another route, which will display the book title in the URL and have the ID usable for data fetching. How can I do that?

I have found how to do dynamic URL matching, which I can use for the title display but then I cannot pass the ID:

<router-link :to="{path: '/Book/' + book.title}">

I have also found how to pass parameters using named routes but then how do I use the title in the URL?

<router-link :to="{name: 'Book', params: {title: book.title}}">

I am sure I am missing something here but I am not entirely sure what.


  • You could use props:


    routes: [
      { path: '/Library/:title', name: 'Book', component: Book, props: true },


    :to="{ name: 'Book', params: { title: book.title }, props: { id: } }"


    export default {
      props: {
        id: {
          type: String,
          required: true

    Instead of props: true in router definition you can pass defaults, i.e:

    ..., props: { id: '1' }

    Be weary of using title in url, it might need escaping. I know it's good for SEO, but ids are safer.