I'm trying to insert single values from other tables but getting this error. If you know that how to fix then please fix mine code ...
Check this:
INSERT INTO Library_Records_DB(Book_Name, Student_Roll_Num, Student_Name, Student_Department, Lending_Date)
(select Full_Name from GCUF_Students_DB_Morning where Roll_Num=747),
(select Department from GCUF_Students_DB_Morning where Roll_Num=747),
I'd try something like:
INSERT INTO Library_Records_DB
(Book_Name, Student_Roll_Num, Student_Name, Student_Department, Lending_Date)
select "English", Roll_Num, Full_Name, Department, "01-jan-2020"
from GCUF_Students_DB_Morning
where Roll_Num=747
(But I don't know your data. Will the select return one row?)