I have strings like this: 300.123,25
and after the comma I want to have always one digit.
Expected result: 300.123,2
Another issue would be to auto concatenate ,0
if the string does not have a comma
300.123 -> 300.123,0
With the value from the input:
value = value.toString().replace(/[^0-9\,]/g, "")
value = value.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ".")
I removed letters and other symbols. I've tried to check if I a have digits after comma with this: '(,\d)\d*$'. But it doesn't work.
const value = `300.123,25`;
const parts = value.split(",");
const result = `${parts[0]},${parts[1] ? (parts[1][0] || "0") : "0"}`;