Is there any smart way to document that a Closure throws an exception? I'm using PhpStorm and I would like to get rid off from annoying warning, that an exception is never thrown in the given block.
The method createFromState()
is throwing and AbstractEntityRepositoryException
exception, and I would like to let the IDE know about it.
* Closure used to create an object from repository.
* The default implementation is using the method {@link EntityRepositoryInterface::createFromState()}
* @var Closure|null
* @throws AbstractEntityRepositoryException
private ?Closure $create = null;
public function __construct(ControllerInteface $controller, string $id, ?Closure $create = null)
parent::__construct($controller, $id);
if ($create === null) {
$this->create = static function (EntityRepositoryInterface $repository, FormModelInterface $model): Entity {
return $repository->createFromState($model->toState());
else {
$this->create = $create;
* @param FormModelInterface $model
* @return Entity
* @throws CreateActionException
public function saveModel(FormModelInterface $model): Entity
try {
$create = $this->create;
return $create($this->repository, $model);
} catch (AbstractEntityRepositoryException $e) {
throw new CreateActionException($e->getMessage(), $e->getErrors());
It seems that PHP Storm doesn't support that annotation correctly yet. This issue is exactly my case. Thanks for a help! I've added my case into aforementioned ticket.