I have an app that uses Angular and NgRx and I am having difficulties to test my Effect, using Marble Testing.
The error that I get is:
Expected $.length = 0 to equal 2.
Expected $[0] = undefined to equal Object({ frame: 10, notification: Notification({ kind: 'N', value: LoadOrderLogisticStatusSuccess({ payload: Object({ 1047522: Object({ status: 0, partner: Object({ id: 1, slug: 'loggi' }), eta: '2020-06-09 10:00', pickupEta: '2020-06-09 12:00' }) }), type: 'load-order-logistic-status-success' }), error: undefined, hasValue: true }) }).
Expected $[1] = undefined to equal Object({ frame: 20, notification: Notification({ kind: 'C', value: undefined, error: undefined, hasValue: false }) }).
Here is the Effect:
export class OrderLogisticStatusEffects {
loadOrdersLogisticStatus$ = createEffect(() =>
switchMap(([action, pollingInterval]) =>
timer(0, pollingInterval).pipe(
switchMap(([timerNum, company]) => this.loadOrdersLogisticStatus(pollingInterval, company))
constructor(private actions$: Actions, private orderLogisticStatusService: OrderLogisticStatusService, private store$: Store<AppState>) {}
private loadOrdersLogisticStatus(
pollingInterval: number,
company: Company
): Observable<LoadOrderLogisticStatusSuccess | LoadOrderLogisticStatusFail> {
if (!company?.logisticsToken) {
return of(new LoadOrderLogisticStatusFail(new Error('No company selected')));
map((result) => new LoadOrderLogisticStatusSuccess(result)),
catchError((error) => {
if (error.name === 'TimeoutError') {
console.warn('Timeout error while loadin logistic status service', error);
} else {
console.error('Error loading order logistic status', error);
return of(new LoadOrderLogisticStatusFail(error));
And here is my test:
fdescribe('Order Logistic Status Effect', () => {
let actions$: Observable<Action>;
let effects: OrderLogisticStatusEffects;
describe('With a selected company', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
const mockState = {
ordersLogisticStatus: {
pollingInterval: 10,
company: {
selectedCompany: {
logisticsToken: 'ey.xxxx.yyyy',
providers: [
{ provide: OrderLogisticStatusService, useValue: jasmine.createSpyObj('orderLogisticsStatusServiceSpy', ['getOrdersStatus']) },
provideMockActions(() => actions$),
selectors: [
selector: orderLogisticsStatusPollingIntervalSelector,
value: 30,
selector: selectedCompanySelector,
value: {
logisticsToken: 'ey.xxxx.yyy',
effects = TestBed.inject<OrderLogisticStatusEffects>(OrderLogisticStatusEffects);
it('should sucessfully load the orders logistics status', () => {
const service: jasmine.SpyObj<OrderLogisticStatusService> = TestBed.inject(OrderLogisticStatusService) as any;
service.getOrdersStatus.and.returnValue(cold('-a|', { a: mockData }));
actions$ = hot('a', { a: new LoadOrdersLogisticStatus() });
const expected = hot('-a|', {
a: new LoadOrderLogisticStatusSuccess(mockData),
const mockData = {
1047522: {
status: 0,
partner: {
id: 1,
eta: '2020-06-09 10:00',
pickupEta: '2020-06-09 12:00',
The problem seems to be happening with my service mock. Even though I configured it to return a cold observable, it seems that it is returning undefined.
Can anyone help me?
Stack Blitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-effects-test
There were a few problems:
Firstly, the loadOrdersLogisticStatus
was missing a return:
loadOrdersLogisticStatus (/* ... */) {
return this.orderLogisticStatusService.getOrdersStatus(/* ... */)
Then, I found out that jasmine-marbles
does not set the AsyncScheduler.delegate
automatically, as opposed to TestScheduler.run
run<T>(callback: (helpers: RunHelpers) => T): T {
const prevFrameTimeFactor = TestScheduler.frameTimeFactor;
const prevMaxFrames = this.maxFrames;
TestScheduler.frameTimeFactor = 1;
this.maxFrames = Infinity;
this.runMode = true;
AsyncScheduler.delegate = this;
/* ... */
This is important because when using marbles, everything is synchronous. But in your implementation, there was a timer(0, pollingInterval)
observable, which, by default, uses AsyncScheduler
. Without setting AsyncScheduler.delegate
, we'd be having asynchronous actions, which I think it was the main problem.
So, in order to set the delegate
property, I've added this line in beforeEach()
AsyncScheduler.delegate = getTestScheduler();
Finally, I think there was a small problem with your assertions. Your effect property does not seem to ever complete, and you're also using timer(0, pollingInterval)
. So what I think you could do now is to add the take(N)
operator in order to test against N
it("should sucessfully load the orders logistics status", () => {
const service: jasmine.SpyObj<OrderLogisticStatusService> = TestBed.inject(OrderLogisticStatusService) as any;
service.getOrdersStatus.and.callFake(() => cold('-a|', { a: mockData }));
actions$ = hot('a', { a: new LoadOrdersLogisticStatus() });
const expected = hot('-a--(b|)', {
a: new LoadOrderLogisticStatusSuccess(mockData),
b: new LoadOrderLogisticStatusSuccess(mockData),
- a
is sent at the 10th frame, and b
+ complete
notification(due to take
) are sent at 40th
frame, because the pollingInterval
is 30
and the current frame would be 10
when the second notification(b
) would be scheduled.