I'm training an Elastic Net model and am finding that lambda.1se
is much higher than lambda.min
, often the maximum lambda tested with zero features selected. I'm guessing that this is because my standard deviations are really large.
Is there a way to make cv.glmnet
select a value somewhere between lambda.1se
and lambda.min
x = matrix(rnorm(100 * 20), 100, 20) # not the actual data
y = gl(2, 50)
fit <- cv.glmnet(
x = x, y = y,
family = "binomial",
nfolds = nrow(x), grouped = F,
standardize = T,
alpha = 0.2
Thanks @Nutle, I was able to use your advice to implement a selection function similar to the tolerance
function in caret
. It selects the largest value of lambda within a percent difference of the minimum error.
get_lambda <- function(fit, tol = 1.05) {
error <- fit$cvm[fit$lambda == fit$lambda.min]
tolerance <- error * tol
max(fit$lambda[fit$cvm <= tolerance])