*I'm trying to calculate the complexity Big-Theta-Notation of the following function: variable i is constant == 3 *
void g(int i, int n) {
if (i>0) {
for (int j=n+10; j>0; j-=5) {
g(i-2, n);
Because it's a recursive function, I thought I should calculate it with Master Theorem, but actually there is no division of n. I would be very greatful for any kind of help!
The recurrence relation is T(i, n) = (n+10)T(i-2, n)/5.
The terms for both odd and even i
are geometric progressions with the multiplication factor (n+10)/5. This solves to T(i, n) = O((n/5)^(i/2)), or O(sqrt(n/5)^i) if you prefer.