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C# Binary CmdLet this.MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot is empty

I'm writing a C# cmdlet to install and uninstall various products in a standardized way via a script. This includes a log file (via NLog) that is created and filled at runtime. PSScriptRoot and ScriptName are listed in the header of the log file and is also needed in other steps.

I thought I could use this.MyInvocation for this, but unfortunately the object is always empty.

Here's an example:

namespace MyCmdlet
    [Cmdlet(VerbsData.Update, "Environment")]
    public partial class UpdateEnvironment : PSCmdlet
    # Some parameters

        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            string currentTime   = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss");
            string toReturn      = string.Empty;
            InvocationInfo iInfo = this.MyInvocation;

            // For testing
            var a = PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot;

            // Should be filled
            GlobalProps.psScriptRoot = this.MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot;
            GlobalProps.psScriptName = this.MyInvocation.ScriptName;

How do I test? -

  • In Visual Studio → ProjectSettingDebugging, I start an external program ("C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe") and in the start options I add these arguments: -noexit -command "&{ import-module .\MyCmdlets.dll -verbose}"

  • After starting, I fill in some variables for testing in the current opened PowerShell console

  • Finally I call my cmdlet.

Other tests...

...has the same effect. MyInvocation.PSSCriptRoot, ScriptName, ... are empty. How can I use this?


  • OK! I have found a solution!

    InvocationInfo is processed correctly. But only 1x. Now I save the information in a static variable and then only work with it.