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Rolling window SQL for 365 days

First question here. I am trying to calculate a rolling number in SQL for the past 365 days. I have the following formula:

    Select Count (*) ID
From HSE_Meldingen
Where ((Bedrijf IN ('BE Civiel','Be Mechanisch','BE Overig','BE Vijzel') And Datum_incident > DATEADD(DAY,-365,GETDATE()) and Soort_Melding = 'Letselongeval EHBO met doktersverzorging') 

Now I have to add something extra. I want this formula to look back 365 days for every day over the past 5 years. So calculate a rolling window over a 365 day period with a look back off 5 years.

I hope i have explained this well enough.


  • I would create a calendar table (you can find plenty of examples how to create one), and then JOIN this table to your HSE_meldingen table.


    Select d.theDate, Count (*) ID
    From AllDates d
    LEFT JOIN HSE_Meldingen m
        ON m.HSE_Meldingen BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY,-365,d.TheDate) AND d.theDate 
        AND m.Bedrijf IN ('BE Civiel','Be Mechanisch','BE Overig','BE Vijzel') 
        and m.Soort_Melding = 'Letselongeval EHBO met doktersverzorging'
    Where d.theDate > DATEADD(DAY,-365,GETDATE())
    GROUP BY d.theDate