I want to get NSE stocks only. I m using to get multiple stocks quotes with a symbol in python.
from nsetools import Nse
nse = Nse()
def get_current(stock):
return nse.get_quote(stock)
for i in stocks:
data = get_current(i)
This doesn't help. please help
You need to fetch a list of quotes. Something like this perhaps:
from nsetools import Nse
nse = Nse()
data = [nse.get_quote(stock) for stock in stocks]
Edit: to just get last price per symbol, you can do:
symbol2price = {stock:nse.get_quote(stock)['lastPrice'] for stock in stocks}
which would then contain the symbols mapping to the last price, like so:
>>> symbol2price
{'INDUSINDBK': 510.25, 'SHREECEM': 21598.0}