I have a multi-level dictionary that I need use to build navigation links. Now I have a 2-level depth dictionary:
let multiDimDict: [String: [[String: [String]]]]
= ["A": [["A1": ["A11", "A12"]], ["A2": ["A21", "A22"]]],
"B": [["B1": ["B11", "B12"]], ["B2": ["B21", "B22"]]]
I can build the navigation view with all navigation links. However, I feel that I am somehow repeating some code in building navigation links. The question is, if I have a many-level dictionary, say 10-level, I don't think it's wise to build 10 different child-view generators in order to build the complete navigation view. Any idea how to reduce the code?
struct PlayingWithMultiDimNavLink: View {
let multiDimDict: [String: [[String: [String]]]]
= ["A": [["A1": ["A11", "A12"]], ["A2": ["A21", "A22"]]],
"B": [["B1": ["B11", "B12"]], ["B2": ["B21", "B22"]]]
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(multiDimDict.keys.sorted(), id: \.self) { key in
NavigationLink(destination: GenerateChildView(key: key, dict: self.multiDimDict)){
This is the :first child view generator:
struct GenerateChildView: View {
var key: String
var dict: [String: [[String: [String]]]]
var infoList: [[String: [String]]]
init(key: String, dict: [String: [[String: [String]]]] ){
self.key = key
self.dict = dict
self.infoList = dict[key]!
var body: some View {
ForEach(infoList, id: \.self){ info in
self.getSomeView(infoList: self.infoList)
func getSomeView(infoList: [[String: [String]]] )-> AnyView{
let dictToUse = infoList[0]
return AnyView(
ForEach(dictToUse.keys.sorted(), id: \.self){ key2 in
NavigationLink(destination: GenerateChildView2(infoList: dictToUse[key2]!)){
The last child-view generator:
struct GenerateChildView2: View {
var infoList: [String]
init(infoList: [String]){
self.infoList = infoList
var body: some View {
ForEach(infoList, id:\.self){ content in
I would start by abandoning the use of a dictionary and use a simple recursive struct that provides a more useful model:
struct Item: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var title: String
var children: [Item] = []
Then you can define a recursive View
to display this model:
struct NavView: View {
var item: Item
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(item.children) { child in
if child.children.isEmpty {
} else {
NavigationLink(destination: NavView(item:child)) {
Then you can create your hierarchy as required and pass the root to your view:
let root = Item(title:"",children:
[Item(title:"A1", children: