Search code examples

NSwag and multiple api versions

Consider controllers below:

namespace Web.Controllers
    public class Product : ApiController
        public IHttpActionResult<bool> GetProduct(Guid id) 
        { /* rest of the code */ }

namespace Web.Controllers
    public class Product2 : ApiController
        public IHttpActionResult<bool> GetProduct(Guid id) 
        { /* rest of the code */ }

And Swagger documents in Startup class:

services.AddSwaggerDocument(config =>
    config.DocumentName = "v1.0";
    config.PostProcess = document =>
        document.Info.Version = "v1.0";

services.AddSwaggerDocument(config =>
    config.DocumentName = "v2.0";
    config.PostProcess = document =>
        document.Info.Version = "v2.0";

Now after testing the API browser with NSwag it ignores the versions and shows all the APIs in both v1 and v2 document.

How to tell NSwag to separate them?


  • I think you are missing ApiGroupNames property which is used to select Api version. Please add ApiGroupNames property like below code and let us know.

    services.AddSwaggerDocument(config =>
        config.DocumentName = "v1.0";
        config.PostProcess = document =>
            document.Info.Version = "v1.0";
        config.ApiGroupNames = new[] { "1.0" };
    services.AddSwaggerDocument(config =>
        config.DocumentName = "v2.0";
        config.PostProcess = document =>
            document.Info.Version = "v2.0";
        config.ApiGroupNames = new[] { "2.0" };