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Can prepared statements be enabled out of the box?

I would like to make use of prepared statements when executing CQL in my application. This functionality looks to be provided by the ReactiveCqlTemplate class, which I have passed into the ReactiveCassandraTemplate in my Cassandra configuration here:

        basePackages = "",
        includeFilters = {
                @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, classes = {ScyllaPersonRepository.class})
public class CassandraConfiguration extends AbstractReactiveCassandraConfiguration {

    private String cassandraHost;

    private Integer cassandraConnections;

    public CassandraClusterFactoryBean cluster() {
        PoolingOptions poolingOptions = new PoolingOptions()
                .setCoreConnectionsPerHost(HostDistance.LOCAL,  cassandraConnections)
                .setMaxConnectionsPerHost(HostDistance.LOCAL, cassandraConnections*2);

        CassandraClusterFactoryBean bean = super.cluster();
        bean.setLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(new RoundRobinPolicy()));

        return bean;

    public ReactiveCassandraTemplate reactiveCassandraTemplate() {
        return new ReactiveCassandraTemplate(reactiveCqlTemplate(), cassandraConverter());

    public CassandraEntityInformation getCassandraEntityInformation(CassandraOperations cassandraTemplate) {
        CassandraPersistentEntity<Person> entity =
        return new MappingCassandraEntityInformation<>(entity, cassandraTemplate.getConverter());

    public SchemaAction getSchemaAction() {
        return SchemaAction.CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS;

    public String getContactPoints() {
        return cassandraHost;

    public String getKeyspaceName() {
        return "mykeyspace";

This is the ScyllaPersonRepository referenced in my Cassandra configuration filters.

public interface ScyllaPersonRepository extends ReactiveCassandraRepository<Person, PersonKey> {
    @Query("select id, name from persons where id = ?0")
    Flux<Object> findPersonById(@Param("id") String id);

After executing a few queries, the CQL Non-Prepared statements metric in my Scylla Monitoring Dashboard showed that I'm not using prepared statements at all.

I was able to use prepared statements after followed the documentation here which walked me through creating the CQL myself.

public class ScyllaPersonRepository extends SimpleReactiveCassandraRepository<Person, PersonKey> {
    private final Session session;
    private final CassandraEntityInformation<Person, PersonKey> entityInformation;
    private final ReactiveCassandraTemplate cassandraTemplate;
    private final PreparedStatementCache cache = PreparedStatementCache.create();

    public ScyllaPersonRepository(
            Session session,
            CassandraEntityInformation<Person, PersonKey> entityInformation,
            ReactiveCassandraTemplate cassandraTemplate
    ) {
        super(entityInformation, cassandraTemplate);
        this.session = session;
        this.entityInformation = entityInformation;
        this.cassandraTemplate = cassandraTemplate;

    public Flux<ScyllaUser> findSegmentsById(String id) {
        return cassandraTemplate
                        (row, rowNum) -> convert(row)

    private BoundStatement findPersonByIdQuery(String id) {
        return CachedPreparedStatementCreator.of(
                        .where(QueryBuilder.eq("id", QueryBuilder.bindMarker("id"))))
                .setString("id", id);

    private Person convert(Row row) {
        return new Person(

But, I would really like the ORM to handle that all for me. Is it possible to configure this behaviour out of the box, so that I don't need to manually write the CQL myself but instead just enable it as an option in my Cassandra Configuration and get the ORM to orchestrate it all behind the scenes?


  • Frankly, I think this is a bug(request for enhancement) and it should be filed in Springs Jira. It seems the repository simply doesn't support this out of box(nor did I find any config option how to flip it, but I might have missed it).

    Actually, my theory was correct: so just add yourself and try to ask them for resolution.