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How To Hide Validate Button in odoo stock.picking form based on boolean field with states

i'm trying To Hide Validation button on stock.picking form, I'm searching about the button on stock.view_picking_form and found tow button with name button_validate.

 <button name="button_validate" attrs="{'invisible': ['|', ('state', 'in', ('waiting','confirmed')), ('show_validate', '=', False)]}" string="Validate" type="object" class="oe_highlight" groups="stock.group_stock_user"/>
 <button name="button_validate" attrs="{'invisible': ['|', ('state', 'not in', ('waiting', 'confirmed')), ('show_validate', '=', False)]}" string="Validate" type="object" groups="stock.group_stock_user" class="o_btn_validate"/>

in my condition, I want to hide the first one based on Boolean field using xbath like that

 <xpath expr="//button[@name='button_validate']" position="attributes">
       <attribute name="attrs">{'invisible': ['|','|', ('state', 'in', ('waiting','confirmed')), ('show_validate', '=', False),('is_has_access', '=', 'False')]}</attribute>

after saving and upgrade the module I found attrs has been updated of button information but it still visible even if the Field = False

So how can I achieve that and hide this button? Any help will be appreciated


  • Sometimes a step back (literally) helps ;-)

    ('show_validate', '=', False),('is_has_access', '=', 'False')

    Do you see a difference between those two domain tuples? Focus on the values, yep one has quotations marks one doesn't. One works one doesn't.

    So maybe try:

    ('show_validate', '=', False),('is_has_access', '=', False)

    But why is Odoo not throwing an error? That's because a string is a valid boolean value and always represents True.