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How can I convert this function from ExceptT to Except in Haskell?

I got very confused with Except, specially since there is no good tutorial around the web. I don't know how can I convert this function from ExceptT to Except:

data Error = Empty deriving (Show)

badFunction :: ExceptT Error IO ()
badFunction = throwError Empty

main :: IO ()
main = do
    caught_result <- runExceptT badFunction
    case caught_result of
      Left _ -> putStrLn "caught some error"
      Right _ -> putStrLn "no errors were caught"


  • You write

    badFunction :: ExceptT Error IO ()
    badFunction = throwError Empty

    which suggests that it does IO. But it doesn't do any IO. As Willem Van Onsem points out, one option is to indicate that by using Except instead:

    badFunction :: Except Error ()

    By the definition of Except, this is identical to

    badFunction :: ExceptT Error Identity ()

    There is a third option:

    badFunction :: Monad m => ExceptT Error m ()

    This gives you full flexibility!

    runExcept badFunction :: Either Error ()
    runExceptT badFunction :: Monad m => m (Either Error ())

    So if you choose, you can write

    main :: IO ()
    main = do
        caught_result <- runExceptT badFunction
        case caught_result of
          Left _ -> putStrLn "caught some error"
          Right _ -> putStrLn "no errors were caught"

    Whatever you think is clearer.