it took me the whole day trying to fix this problem but I didn't found a solution so I hope you can help me. I already tried to extract the data from the website. But the problem is that I don't know how to split the list so that 500g converts to 500,g. The problem is that on the website sometimes the quantity is 1 and sometimes 1 1/2 kg or sth. And now I need to convert it into a CSV file and then into a MySQL database. What I want at the end is a CSV file with the columns: ingredients ID, ingredients, quantity, and the unit of the quantity from the ingredient. So for example: 0, meat, 500, g. This is the code I already have to extract the data from this website:
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import csv
urls_recipes = ['']
mainurl = ",2,3/Rezepte.html"
urls_urls = []
urls_recipes = ['']
ingredients = []
menge = []
def read_recipes():
for url, id2 in zip(urls_recipes, range(len(urls_recipes))):
soup2 = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "lxml")
for ingredient in'.td-left'):
menge.append([*[re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', ingredient.get_text(strip=True))]])
for ingredient in'.recipe-ingredients h3, .td-right'):
if == 'h3':
ingredients.append([id2, *[ingredient.get_text(strip=True)]])
ingredients.append([id2, *[re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', ingredient.get_text(strip=True))]])
I hope you can help me Thank You!
It appears that the strings containing fractions use the unicode symbols for 1/2 etc., so I think a good way of starting is replacing those by looking up the specific code and passing it to str.replace()
. Splitting up the units and the amount for this example was easy, since they are separated by a space. But it might be necessary to generalize this more if you encounter other combinations.
The following code works for this specific example:
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import csv
import pandas as pd
urls_recipes = ['']
mainurl = ",2,3/Rezepte.html"
urls_urls = []
urls_recipes = ['']
ingredients = []
menge = []
einheit = []
for url, id2 in zip(urls_recipes, range(len(urls_recipes))):
soup2 = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content)
for ingredient in'.td-left'):
# get rid of multiple spaces and replace 1/2 unicode character
raw_string = re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', ingredient.get_text(strip=True)).replace(u'\u00BD', "0.5")
# split into unit and number
splitlist = raw_string.split(" ")
if len(splitlist) == 2:
for ingredient in'.recipe-ingredients h3, .td-right'):
if == 'h3':
ingredients.append([id2, re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', ingredient.get_text(strip=True))])
result = pd.DataFrame(ingredients, columns=["ID", "Ingredients"])
result.loc[:, "unit"] = einheit
result.loc[:, "amount"] = menge
>>> result
ID Ingredients unit amount
0 0 Beinscheibe(n), vom Rind, ca. 4 cm dick geschn... 4
1 0 Mehl etwas
2 0 Zwiebel(n) 1
3 0 Knoblauchzehe(n) 2
4 0 Karotte(n) 1
5 0 Lauchstange(n) 1
6 0 Staudensellerie 0.5
7 0 Tomate(n), geschält Dose 1
8 0 Tomatenmark EL 1
9 0 Rotwein zum Ablöschen
10 0 Rinderfond oder Fleischbrühe Liter 0.5
11 0 Olivenöl zum Braten
12 0 Gewürznelke(n) 2
13 0 Pimentkörner 10
14 0 Wacholderbeere(n) 5
15 0 Pfefferkörner
16 0 Salz
17 0 Pfeffer, schwarz, aus der Mühle
18 0 Thymian
19 0 Rosmarin
20 0 Zitrone(n), unbehandelt 1
21 0 Knoblauchzehe(n) 2
22 0 Blattpetersilie Bund 1