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Trouble creating the SPS_HOME environment variable

I am trying to install the python-FSPS package as shown, which first requires me to install FSPS itself. After having version conflict issues between conda/brew/etc I decided to wipe everything and start over, installing python 3.7 again.

I moved everything including all my installed packages to ~/python3.7/site-packages/ where I cloned FSPS. Next, I went to edit my .bashrc file located at ~/.bashrc where I added setenv SPS_HOME ~/python3.7/site-packages/fsps as instructed. Note that the .bashrc file was empty to start. I even edited .bash_profile and added SPS_HOME= ~/python3.7/site-packages/fsps and ran export SPS_HOME before restarting the shell.

I can make everything just fine in src but when I try echo $SPS_HOME I get nothing in return. I used to be able to create it just fine when anaconda was installed but maybe I accidentally got rid of something important? What would cause this to not create the variable? I cant install python-fsps without it.


  • Remove space in SPS_HOME= ~/python3.7/site-packages/fsps.