Using app engine standard environment for python 3.7.
When running the app deploy
command are container images uploaded to google storage in the bucket eu.artifacts.<project>
This message is printed during app deploy
Beginning deployment of service [default]...
#= Uploading 827 files to Google Cloud Storage =#
File upload done.
Updating service [default]...
The files are uploaded to a multi-region (eu), how do I change this to upload to a single region?
Guessing that it's a configuration file that should be added to the repository to instruct app engine, cloud build or cloud storage that the files should be uploaded to a single region.
Is the eu.artifacts.<project>
bucket required, or could all files be ignore using the .gcloudignore
The issue is similar to this issue How can I specify a region for the Cloud Storage buckets used by Cloud Build for a Cloud Run deployment?, but for app engine.
I'm triggering the cloud build using a service account.
Tried to implement the changes in the solution in the link above, but aren't able to get rid of the multi region bucket.
_BUCKET: unused
- name: ''
args: ['app', 'deploy', '--promote', '--stop-previous-version']
location: 'gs://${_BUCKET}/artifacts'
paths: ['*']
Command gcloud builds submit --gcs-log-dir="gs://$BUCKET/logs" --gcs-source-staging-dir="gs://$BUCKET/source" --substitutions=_BUCKET="$BUCKET"
After investigation a little bit more, I want to mention that this kind of bucket is created by the “container registry” product when you deploy a new container( when you deploy your App Engine Application)-> When you push an image to a registry with a new hostname, Container Registry creates a storage bucket in the specified multi-regional location.This bucket is the underlying storage for the registry. Within a project, all registries with the same hostname share one storage bucket.
Based on this, it is not accessible by default and itself contains container images which are written when you deploy a new container. It's not recommended to modify it because the artifacts bucket is meant to contain deployment images, which may influence your app.
Finally, something curious that I found is when you create a default bucket (as is the case of the aforementioned bucket), you also get a staging bucket with the same name except that staging. You can use this staging bucket for temporary files used for staging and test purposes; it also has a 5 GB limit, but it is automatically emptied on a weekly basis