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"Player2" is unable to do the same things as "player"

import random

WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 500

background = Actor('background')
player = Actor('player')
enemy = Actor('enemy')
money = Actor('money', pos=(300, 300))
player2 = Actor('alien')
score = 0
score2 = 0
player.x = 200
player.y = 200

def draw():

def update():
    global score
    if keyboard.right:
        player.x = player.x + 4
    if keyboard.left:
        player.x = player.x - 4
    if keyboard.down:
        player.y = player.y + 4
    if keyboard.up:
        player.y = player.y - 4

    if player.x > WIDTH:
        player.x = WIDTH
    if player.x < 0:
        player.x = 0
    if player.y < 0:
        player.y = 0
    if player.y > HEIGHT:
        player.y = HEIGHT

    if enemy.x < player.x:
        enemy.x = enemy.x + 1
    if enemy.x > player.x:
        enemy.x = enemy.x - 1
    if enemy.y < player.y:
        enemy.y = enemy.y + 1
    if enemy.y > player.y:
        enemy.y = enemy.y - 1
    if player.colliderect(enemy):

    if money.colliderect(player):
        money.x = random.randint(0, WIDTH)
        money.y = random.randint(0, HEIGHT)
        score = score + 1
        print ('Score:', score)

    if keyboard.d:
        player2.x = player2.x + 4
    if keyboard.a:
        player2.x = player2.x - 4
    if keyboard.s:
        player2.y = player2.y + 4
    if keyboard.w:
        player2.y = player2.y - 4
    if player.colliderect(player2):

    if player2.x > WIDTH:
        player2.x = WIDTH
    if player2.x < 0:
        player2.x = 0
    if player2.y < 0:
        player2.y = 0
    if player2.y > HEIGHT:
        player2.y = HEIGHT

I just tried to introduce a player2 to into my python game that I am making in MU-editor, I can see player2 and move him, but there are some problems. enemy is not chasing player2 and player2 can not pick up money. I also want to add a score2 variable for player2 and store the score when he collides with the money.


  • To pickup the money, you have to add the collision test between playyer2 and money:

    score2 = 0
    def update():
        global score, score2
        # [...]
        if money.colliderect(player2):
            money.x = random.randint(0, WIDTH)
            money.y = random.randint(0, HEIGHT)
            score2 += 1

    For chasing player or player2 you have to find the player which is nearer to the enemy. Compare the square of the Euclidean distance from the enemy to the players and chase the player which is nearer:

    def update():
        dx1, dy1 = player.x - enemy.x, player.y - enemy.y
        dx2, dy2 = player2.x - enemy.x, player2.y - enemy.y
        dist1sq = dx1*dx1 + dy1*dy1
        dist2sq = dx2*dx2 + dy2*dy2 
        player_near = player if dist1sq < dist2sq else player2
        if enemy.x < player_near.x:
            enemy.x += 1
        if enemy.x > player_near.x:
            enemy.x -= 1
        if enemy.y < player_near.y:
            enemy.y += 1
        if enemy.y > player_near.y:
            enemy.y -= 1
        if player.colliderect(enemy):
        if player2.colliderect(enemy):
        # [...]

    function update:

    def update():
        global score, score2
        if keyboard.right:
            player.x += 4
        if keyboard.left:
            player.x -= 4
        if keyboard.down:
            player.y += 4
        if keyboard.up:
            player.y -= 4
        if player.x > WIDTH:
            player.x = WIDTH
        if player.x < 0:
            player.x = 0
        if player.y < 0:
            player.y = 0
        if player.y > HEIGHT:
            player.y = HEIGHT
        if keyboard.d:
            player2.x += 4
        if keyboard.a:
            player2.x -= 4
        if keyboard.s:
            player2.y += 4
        if keyboard.w:
            player2.y -= 4
        if player2.x > WIDTH:
            player2.x = WIDTH
        if player2.x < 0:
            player2.x = 0
        if player2.y < 0:
            player2.y = 0
        if player2.y > HEIGHT:
            player2.y = HEIGHT
        dx1, dy1 = player.x - enemy.x, player.y - enemy.y
        dx2, dy2 = player2.x - enemy.x, player2.y - enemy.y
        dist1sq = dx1*dx1 + dy1*dy1
        dist2sq = dx2*dx2 + dy2*dy2 
        player_near = player if dist1sq < dist2sq else player2
        if enemy.x < player_near.x:
            enemy.x += 1
        if enemy.x > player_near.x:
            enemy.x -= 1
        if enemy.y < player_near.y:
            enemy.y += 1
        if enemy.y > player_near.y:
            enemy.y -= 1
        if player.colliderect(enemy):
        if player2.colliderect(enemy):
        if money.colliderect(player):
            money.x = random.randint(0, WIDTH)
            money.y = random.randint(0, HEIGHT)
            score = score + 1
        if money.colliderect(player2):
            money.x = random.randint(0, WIDTH)
            money.y = random.randint(0, HEIGHT)
            score2 += 1