I have an incomplete Perl script with the following content:
use XML::LibXML;
use XML::LibXSLT;
my $xml_mess = "
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $xml_mess_obj = $parser -> parse_string($xml_mess);
my $ref1 = $xml_mess_obj -> getDocumentElement -> findNodes("/activity/ref1") -> [0] -> to_literal();
my $ref2 = $xml_mess_obj -> getDocumentElement -> findNodes("/activity/ref2") -> [0] -> to_literal();
my $ref3 = $xml_mess_obj -> getDocumentElement -> findNodes("/activity/ref3") -> [0] -> to_literal();
I would like to parse the $xml_mess
and make the following changes:
has a value, then I want ref1
to have the same value.ref3
does not have a value, then I want ref1
to have the same value as ref2
.I have been searching for examples on how to do this with LibXML, but can't figure out how to conditionally update nodes.
This seems to do what you want. See the embedded comments for more detail.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use XML::LibXML;
my $xml_mess = '
# Load the XML into a Document object
my $xml_mess_obj = XML::LibXML->load_xml(string => $xml_mess);
# Get an Element object for the <ref1> node.
my $ref1 = $xml_mess_obj->findnodes('//ref1')->[0];
# Get the text of the <ref2> and <ref3> nodes.
my $ref2_txt = $xml_mess_obj->findnodes('//ref2')->[0]->to_literal;
my $ref3_txt = $xml_mess_obj->findnodes('//ref3')->[0]->to_literal;
# Use appendText() to add text to the <ref1> node.
# Note: // is the 'defined-or' operator. It returns $ref3_txt if that
# is defined, otherwise it returns $ref2_txt.
$ref1->appendText($ref3_txt // $ref2_txt);
# Display the result.
say $xml_mess_obj->toString;