I want to simulate an async python3.5 function similar to what we have in Java with the SpringBoot @EnableAsync @Async annotation.
In Spring, methods annotated with the @Async annotation, control is returned to the previous method soon after the method invocation.
import threading
import re
import subprocess
x = None
class Printer
def caller():
if(x == True):
x = False # Stop the prev executing while-loop.
print('While-loop stopped & spawning a new one.')
x = True
p = threading.Thread(target=self.print_cpu_data())
print('Thread is Alive: {0}'.format(p.is_alive())) # This line never gets executed!!!
# Ideally I want this function to return control to the caller function before executing
# the code inside the print_cpu_data function
def print_cpu_data(self):
# At this point control should returned to the caller() function
# while the rest of the execution continues behind the scenes.
while x:
cpu = subprocess.getoutput('cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp')
gpu = subprocess.getoutput('/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp')
cpu = re.findall(r'[-+]?\d*\.?\d+|[-+]?\d+', cpu)
gpu = re.findall(r'[-+]?\d*\.?\d+|[-+]?\d+', gpu)
cpu = float(cpu[0]) / 1000
gpu = float(gpu[0])
print('CPU: {0:.2f}{2}C\tGPU: {1:.2f}{2}C'.format(cpu, gpu, '°'))
Is such a scenario possible in Python3.x? I have spent hours on such a simple case.
Use threading.Thread(target=self.print_cpu_data)
, not threading.Thread(target=self.print_cpu_data())
- note that the parenthesis are removed. What you have now is explicitly calling print_cpu_data()
in the main thread, rather than sending it off to the background thread to be called. So your program never even gets to create/start the Thread