Hey I've been stuck on this issue for quite a while and was hoping someone could help me out:
I'm using pyglet and have got all of the code working in my project (even what I was having the issue with) then I restarted my computer and suddenly it didn't work...
This is the loop that is instantiating my 'Letter' objects:
letter_list = []
for i in range(len(main_st)):
letter_list.append(l.Letter(pyglet.resource.image("Letters/" + main_st[i] + ".png"),main_st[i],10,10))
And this is the Letter class constructor Letter is a subclass of pyglet.sprite.Sprite:
def __init__(self,im,iden,xx,yy):
At no point in the program do I modify the x and y coordinates of sprite but when I go to draw them, no matter what I put in for xx and yy they're always drawn in the same place on the window UNLESS I do a very large number for yy, and in those cases it simply disappears (I assume it's outside of the window).
I'm having each letter flash on the screen for 1 second and in order to do that here's my on_draw method
def on_draw():
if not key_manager.cur_letter == None:
(only key_manager.cur_letter gets drawn and that switches every second).
The problem might be related to older versions.
But after calling super(Letter, self)...
you could do:
def __init__(self,im,iden,xx,yy):
self.x = xx
self.y = yy
And that should do the trick.