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Android- Parse Database edit other users' information

I'm working on a school project that is a transportation application on android. I'm trying to edit user information from another user as logged in. When I try to edit another user's saved variable, I get

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot save a ParseUser that is not authenticated.

On my search, I saw that some people recommend changing ACL to public write on the users to edit them, I tried that and unfortunately, It didn't change anything, I still have this error. Another advice was to use cloud code or master key but I couldn't find any documentation that shows how to implement them. I'd be glad if anyone helps me. Thank you very much.


  • you can use masterKey in cloud code like this:,{useMasterKey:true});

    Here is a complete example using cloud code and master key:

    Parse.Cloud.define("saveOtherUser", async (request) => {
      const otherUserID = request.params.otherUserID;//other user's ID;
      const user = request.user; //This is you. We are NOT gonna update this.
      //you can check your security with using this user. For example:
        //we are checking if th requesting user has admin privaleges.
        //Otherwise everyone who call this cloud code can change other users information.
        throw "this operation requires admin privilages"
        //and our cloud code terminates here. Below codes never run
        //so other users information stays safe.
      //We create other user
      const otherUser = new Parse.User({id:otherUserID});
      //Change variables
      otherUser.set("variable","New Variable, New Value");
      //Now we are going to save user
      //this is the response our android app will recieve
      return true;

    This is our Java code for android app:

    HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
    params.put("otherUserID", otherUser.getObjectId());
    ParseCloud.callFunctionInBackground("saveOtherUser", params, new FunctionCallback<Boolean>() {
        public void done(Boolean object, ParseException e) {
                //save operation successful
                //save operation failed

    Aklına takılan olursa sor :)