#i dont know whts worng i want result in horizontal format with desire space between them
from tkinter import *
import os
window = Tk()
window.title("Window") #window dimensions
window.configure(bg = "black")
HEIGHT = window.winfo_screenheight() #height and width
WIDTH = window.winfo_screenwidth()
RESOL = str(WIDTH) + "x" + str(HEIGHT+7) + "+" + str(-7) + "+" + str(0)
l = os.listdir("D:/anime")
l1 = l[0:5] #five number of files
x = 0
y = 0
count = 0
for item in l1: #its working well but it give result in vertical loop
Label(window, text = item, bg = "green").place(x = x, y = y)
y += 30 #i want result in horizontal loop with desire number of space between
If you want a horizontal row of labels, it's much easier to use pack
than place. place
requires a lot more work and isn't responsive unless you do even more work to make it responsive.
Instead, create a frame for the labels and use pack
label_frame = Frame(window)
label_frame.pack(side="top", fill="x")
for item in l1:
label = Label(label_frame, text=item, bg="green")
If you want to control the space between widgets, add some padding by either specifying a single value for padx
which adds space to both sides, or just add space to the right of every widget using a 2-tuple. In the following example it adds 10 pixels to the right of every widget and 0 pixels to the left:
label.pack(side="left", padx=(0, 10))