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How to compare date and time in Angular

I'm trying to compare current date and time with ngb date and time picker which is in JSON format:

var todayTime =  new Date();


Tue Jun 09 2020 17:43:30 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

I want to compare this with the below date and time which is in JSON format and check if entered date and time are greater than the current date and time.

Output for ngb timepicker

hour: 13
minute: 38
second: 22

Output for ngb datepicker

day: 9
month: 6
year: 2020

How can I achieve this?


  • var date = new Date();
    var objDate= {  day: 9,month: 6, year: 2020}
    var objMinute={ hour: 13,minute: 38,second: 22}
    function compareDays(dateObj,hour){
       var objDate=new Date(dateObj.year+'-'+dateObj.month+"-"
       " "+ hour.hour +":" + hour.minute + ":" + hour.second + ".000Z");
       return (date.getTime() / 1000) > (objDate.getTime() / 1000) ? true :false;