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How to move a 3D object in godot with mouse coordinations with?

I'm encountering a problem using godot engine with GDscript, (but if you know the answer with other godot languages, I welcome those answers too! 😊 )

Assume that my object is a ball. The specific action I want to make with my mouse is:

If I move my mouse to the right: the 3D object would move to the right

If I move my mouse to the left: the 3D object would move to the left

If I move my mouse up: the 3D object would move forward

If I move my mouse down: the 3D object would move backward

I'd be thanked if you guide me to how to write the script! Thanks!!


  • You can use the _input function for that. It receives an event, which you can check for if it is an InputEventMouseMouseMotion. Then you can use event.relative to move the ball in the direction.