I am trying to pass variable to release pipeline as array of objects.
The goal is have in my appsettings.json
something like
"myArrayObject": [
"host": "localhost:2948",
"protocol": "http"
In variable tab i created variable called myArrayObject
and assigned to it
somehow the variable was untouchted by release so then I added this script to pipeline
powershell -command "&{
$json = Get-Content '.\appsettings.json' -raw | ConvertFrom-Json;
$json.myArrayObject = '$(myArrayObject)';
$json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 32 | Set-Content '.\appsettings.json';
But then I got error
Missing type name after '['.
At line:1 char:129
+ ... llowedUris = [{'host':'someUrl','protoc ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Unexpected token ':'someUrl'' in expression or
At line:1 char:169
+ ... lowedUris = [{'host':'someUrl','protoco ...
Is there any way to achieve that ? to pass array of object as variable ?
I also tried this approach:
powershell -command "&{
$json = Get-Content '.\appsettings.json' -raw | ConvertFrom-Json;
$json.myArrayObject = '[{"host":"someUrl","protocol":"https"},{"host":"localhost:44394","protocol":"https"}]';
$json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 32 | Set-Content '.\appsettings.json';
but at the end i got :
"myArrayObject" : "[{host:someUrl,protocol:https},{host:localhost:44394,protocol:https}]"
this is the solution:
powershell -command "&{
$json = Get-Content '.\appsettings.json' -raw | ConvertFrom-Json;
$data = '$(additionalAllowedUris)' | ConvertFrom-Json;
$json.additionalAllowedUris= $data.SyncRoot;
$json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 32 | Set-Content '.\appsettings.json';
[{ \"host\" : \"someUrl\",\"protocol\" : \"https\"},{ \"host\":\"localhost:44394\",\"protocol\" : \"https\"},{ \"host\":\"someUrl2\",\"protocol\" : \"https\"}]