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Pointer to member function in virtual function

Is it possible to call a member function from an overriden virtual function? Compiler tells me that the member function has no address (lvalue required as unary '&' operand). I would like to do something like:

class Virtual
    virtual void f() = 0;

class Real : public Virtual
    void f() override { g(&Real::h()); }

    void g(bool (Real::*p)() );
    bool h();

However, inside f(), any member pointer statement is invalid (&Real::h(), std::mem_fn(&Real::h()), std::function<bool<void>(h) etc) because it does not consider it an l-value (namely, it does not have an address). I think the reason is that virtual functions are evaluated at run time and that this member pointer must be evaluated at compilation time. Then, is there any alternative?

Thank you!


  • The error message already gives a good hint on what is wrong here:

    <source>:10:27: error: cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'bool'
        void f() override { g(&Real::h()); }

    Real::h() is bool. Correct syntax to get a pointer to the member function is

        void f() override { g(&Real::h); } 
                               //     ^  -------- no () !!!