Starting from something like this in my .html file:
[ngStyle]="{'background-image': 'url(' + backgroundImageURL + ')',
'background-size': backgroundSize, 'background-repeat': backgroundRepeat,
'background-position': 'center center'}">
where backgroundImageURL
, backgroundSize
and backgroundRepeat
are variables which I define in the something like "environment.ts" file,
how could I keep 3 different image files (eg _-small, _-medium, _-large), and apply one of them or the other depending on the screen size ?
you can easily do that with for example a getter :
get backgroundImgUrl() {
if (window.innerWidth > 1000) {
return 'http://path-to-image.jpg';
} else ...
But you should rather use srcset property : wich is html built-in.