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How to open big endian encoding (ieee-be) with python?

I have this matlab code that opens a .eeg file:

f_in=fopen(a_eegfile,'r','ieee-be');% open file where eeg data are with Big-endian encoding

It gives me a 1D matrix of doubles. (793456x1)

I am trying to do the same thing with python and numpy:

data_f = np.fromfile(os.path.join(root,folder,filename), dtype='>f8')

It works but I'm not getting the same matrix at all. Probably a problem in the dtype argument but I can't find it.

Anyone could help?



  • So in the end it was way eaiser than this:

    with open(os.path.join(root,folder,filename),'rb') as file:
        data =
        data_f = np.array([x for x in data])

    data_f now stores my (793456x1) matrix of integers.

    print(type(data_f),len(data_f), data_f.dtype)

    gives me:

    <class 'numpy.ndarray'> 16695840 int32

    with np as numpy.

    Hope this is Useful for someone.