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What would be the correct entity type for Password in Login (user_Login) intent?

Hi my team is trying to create customized google actions using dialogflow. For that they have come up with some queries, please help -

In Login (user_Login) Intent, we are asking for Mobile number and password. What would be the correct entity type for password? Right now it is not able to detect the password.


  • You should be careful with handeling users passwords in a conversation. Because password are very random there isn't a standard entity that helps you with recognising it. The only way you could approach this is by using the @sys.any entity, which just takes in anything as input. This isn't a very secure approach because the user has to type or speak out their password.

    The best approach would be to sign-in your users with one of the build in accountlinking features. These features can connect your action to your user database via OAuth and don't require you user to speak or type their password in the chat. This takes a lot of work out of your hands and makes your action more secure.