I know that I can control the zoom/pan behavior using the mouse like this:
chart.cursor = new am4charts.XYCursor();
chart.cursor.xAxis = dateAxis;
chart.cursor.yAxis = valueAxis;
chart.cursor.wheelable = true;
chart.cursor.behavior = 'panXY';
chart.mouseWheelBehavior = 'zoomXY';
That will make the chart to zoom on mouse wheel and move on drag. I would like to make the chart to also move (scroll) left/right if the mouse wheel is used when the CTRL key is pressed. So:
is that somehow possible?
Ok I managed to do it by adding some event handlers to the wrapper div:
onMouseOut={e => {
chart.mouseWheelBehavior = 'zoomXY';
onMouseOver={e => {
chart.mouseWheelBehavior = e.ctrlKey ? 'panX' : 'zoomXY';
onWheel={e => {
chart.mouseWheelBehavior = e.ctrlKey ? 'panX' : 'zoomXY';
<div className={styles.chartWrapper} ref={containerRef}>