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PostgreSql: How to query using encrypted columns


I have created a table:

Create table knights(age integer, nickname varchar(255));

Then I inserted a few records and encrypted the nickname column data using pgcrypto:

insert into knights values(21, PGP_SYM_ENCRYPT('ShiningArmor','AES_KEY')::varchar);
insert into knights values(32, PGP_SYM_ENCRYPT('Rigid','AES_KEY')::varchar);

PROBLEM: Now I try to get records from the table using the encrypted nickname column as per suggested in this answer:

SELECT * FROM knights WHERE nickname = pgp_sym_encrypt('Rigid', 'AES_KEY')::varchar;

I get nothing back. Notice that I had to cast the nickname to varchar. Even if I change the column type to bytea, I am still getting nothing. Please note that my symmetric key is actually the same: AES_KEY. I did not generate it anywhere. Do I need to change the length?

My PostGreSql version is 9.6.


  • Your encrypted data columns should be defined as bytea

    When you are reading the query should as follows,

        PGP_SYM_DECRYPT(nickname::bytea, 'AES_KEY') as name,
    FROM knights WHERE ( 
        LOWER(PGP_SYM_DECRYPT(nickname::bytea, 'AES_KEY')
        LIKE LOWER('%Rigid%')