I make Viewpager and there is only ImageView.
that images from server. So it can be bright or dark.
and there is Layout for notice current page / totalPage like this.
Now I want to make if Image is bright, notice layout make dark.
and if Image is dark, notice layout make bright.
So. My Question is
complementary color
from image?The Android Support Library r21 and above includes the Palette class, which lets you extract prominent colors from an image. To extract these colors, pass a Bitmap object to the Palette.generate() static method in the background thread where you load your images. If you can't use that thread, call the Palette.generateAsync() method and provide a listener instead.
To use the Palette class in your project, add the following Gradle dependency to your app's module:
implementation 'androidx.palette:palette:$version'
To get the color from image:
Palette.generateAsync(bitmap, new Palette.PaletteAsyncListener() {
public void onGenerated(Palette palette) {
// Do something with colors...
The palette library attempts to extract the following six color profiles:
Light Vibrant, Vibrant, Dark Vibrant, Light Muted, Muted and Dark Muted.
Finding complementary color is very simple in RGB model. For any given color, for example, red (#FF0000) you need to find the color, which, after being added to red, creates white (0xFFFFFF). Naturally, all you need to do, is subtract red from white and get cyan (0xFFFFFF - 0xFF0000 = 0x00FFFF).