I'm trying to work out how to get sessions and flash working in Google App Engine. Could someone provide a clear example using either Ring or Sandbar? I think I have sandbar working, specifically it doesn't tell me that Var sandbar.stateful-session/sandbar-flash is unbound
and when I dump the handler I get :flash
and :session
though I'm not certain if that is a sandbar session or a ring one. For completeness I will mention that I am using the latest versions of appengine-magic, ring, hiccup and sandbar. There do not appear to be any incompatibilities or issues.
So a clear example preferably with use of flash-put!, flash-get, session-put! and session-get
I don't usually like answering my own questions, however in this case I'll make an exception because:
a) There isn't a lot of easy to understand examples out there.
b) It would be nice to have a quick working example for others to use.
Note: appengine-magic is not required here, this will also work with normal ring sessions
;; Place in a file called session.clj in the example project
(ns example.session
"Works with the normal ring sessions
allowing you to use side-effects to manage them")
(declare current-session)
(defn wrap-session! [handler]
(fn [request]
(binding [current-session (atom (or (:session request) {}))]
(let [response (handler request)]
(assoc response :session @current-session)))))
(defn session-get
([k] (session-get k nil))
([k default] (if (vector? k)
(get-in @current-session k)
(get @current-session k default))))
(defn session-put!
(swap! current-session (fn [a b] (merge a m)) m))
([k v]
(swap! current-session (fn [a b] (merge a {k b})) v)))
(defn session-pop! [k]
(let [res (get @current-session k)]
(swap! current-session (fn [a b] (dissoc a b)) k)
(defn session-delete-key! [k]
(swap! current-session (fn [a b] (dissoc a b)) k))
(defn session-destroy! []
(swap! current-session (constantly nil)))
;; Place in a file called core.clj in the example project
(ns example.core
(:use compojure.core
[ring.middleware.keyword-params :only [wrap-keyword-params]]
[ring.middleware.session :only [wrap-session]]
[ring.middleware.session.cookie :only [cookie-store]]
[example session])
(:require [appengine-magic.core :as ae]))
(declare current-session)
(defroutes example-app-routes
(GET "/" _
(fn [req]
(let [counter (session-get :counter 0)]
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body (str "started: " counter)})))
(GET "/inc" _
(fn [req]
(let [counter (do
(session-put! :counter (inc (session-get :counter 0)))
(session-get :counter))]
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body (str "incremented: " counter)}))))
(def example-app-handler
(-> #'example-app-routes
(wrap-session {:cookie-name "example-app-session"
:store (cookie-store)})))
(ae/def-appengine-app example-app #'example-app-handler)
How to use it
Navigating to increments the counter in the session and will display the value of counter in the session.
wrap-session! is not required for sessions to work, just using
(wrap-session {:cookie-name "example-app-session"
:store (cookie-store)})
will give you working functional sessions. However I wanted to manage my sessions with side-effects and wrap-session! provides that functionality. To use flash like functionality, simply use session-put! to put a value into the session and then use session-pop! to remove it.
Hope that's helpful.