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How do I change the appearance of the DatePicker in the SwiftUI framework to only months and years?

I want to change the DatePicker's date view. I just want to get a month and year selection. I want to assign ObservedObject to a variable at each selection.

enter image description here

My Code:

 @State private var date = Date()

 var body: some View {
          DatePicker("", selection: $date, in: Date()..., displayedComponents: .date)
                        let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
                        dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MM/yyyy"
                        self.cardData.validThru = dateFormatter.string(from:


  • As others have already commented You would need to implement an HStack with two Pickers:

    struct ContentView: View {
        @State var monthIndex: Int = 0
        @State var yearIndex: Int = 0
        let monthSymbols = Calendar.current.monthSymbols
        let years = Array(Date().year..<Date().year+10)
        var body: some View {
            GeometryReader{ geometry in
                HStack(spacing: 0) {
                    Picker(selection: self.$monthIndex.onChange(self.monthChanged), label: Text("")) {
                        ForEach(0..<self.monthSymbols.count) { index in
                    }.frame(maxWidth: geometry.size.width / 2).clipped()
                    Picker(selection: self.$yearIndex.onChange(self.yearChanged), label: Text("")) {
                        ForEach(0..<self.years.count) { index in
                    }.frame(maxWidth: geometry.size.width / 2).clipped()
        func monthChanged(_ index: Int) {
            print("\(years[yearIndex]), \(index+1)")
            print("Month: \(monthSymbols[index])")
        func yearChanged(_ index: Int) {
            print("\(years[index]), \(monthIndex+1)")
            print("Month: \(monthSymbols[monthIndex])")

    You would need this helper from this post to monitor the Picker changes

    extension Binding {
        func onChange(_ completion: @escaping (Value) -> Void) -> Binding<Value> {
            .init(get:{ self.wrappedValue }, set:{ self.wrappedValue = $0; completion($0) })

    And this calendar helper

    extension Date {
        var year: Int { Calendar.current.component(.year, from: self) }