Running the command with youtube-dl directly in CMD works as expected:
youtube-dl -e ""
It correctly gives the title of the Youtube video: 27/12/2016 晚間新聞 楊家駿直播睇手機
However if I use the same command within a Windows batch file using a FOR loop, the non ASCII characters are removed completely. The batch file code:
FOR /F "delims=" %%i IN ('youtube-dl -e ""') DO (
ECHO %%i
Only gives this result: 27/12/2016
As a test, I tried this:
set var=晚間新聞楊家駿直播睇手機
for %%i in (%var%) do (
echo %%i
Which works fine and echos the Chinese characters correctly, this leads me to believe it's not a Unicode problem in CMD, but somehow tied with youtube-dl.
However, I have been assured that it's not a youtube-dl problem.
Is there something I'm missing and any way to get this working?
The --encoding utf-8
switch appears to be working here with chcp 65001
(disclaimer: only tried under win10 v1909 using the non-legacy console with the NSimSun font, ymmv with other versions or settings).
C:\etc>chcp 65001
Active code page: 65001
C:\etc>for /f "delims=" %i in ('youtube-dl --encoding utf-8 -e ""') do @echo %i
27/12/2016 晚間新聞 楊家駿直播睇手機
However, I have been assured that it's not a youtube-dl problem.
The real question to ask the dev is whether youtube-dl
does any detection of the output stream being sent to the interactive console vs. being piped or redirected, and whether it changes the output encoding based on that detection. I believe the answer to that might be yes, which would explain the difference between direct console output vs. the for