I have a a word press website running on an EC2 instance with an application load balancer in front of it.
I also have a certificate from AWS certificate manager for "example.com". This certificate is attached to the ALB "HTTPS" listener.
I also have two route 53 records, one alias to the ALB and another alias to redirect "www" traffic:
My issue is when trying to access the website, everything is fine except when path parameters are provided, in that case I get the "Your connection is not private" browser error. See example warning here: https://prnt.sc/opip7d
Can anyone shine light on why this would be happening? Shouldn't route53 automatically redirect any traffic regardless?
You can use listeners rules of AWS ALB to redirect:
HTTP 80: default action
IF Requests otherwise not routed THEN Redirect to HTTPS://#{host}:443/#{path}?#{query}
Status code:HTTP_301
IF Host is www.example.com THEN Redirect to HTTPS://example.com:443/#{path}?#{query}
Status code:HTTP_301