I am passing a file from one server to another using authorized keys. However, in the event keys are no longer valid, the script is being asked for the password on and on.
I have tried
scp ${user}@$host}:/tmp ./file1 </dev/null
but I still get the prompt. The only time when this works is if I run it off schedule like this:
echo "scp ${user}@$host}:/tmp ./file1" | at now
In this case it will correctly error out if keys are no longer valid.
But how can I create a blank input stream, that will not be prompting the user if the script is run interactively?
echo "" | scp ${user}@${host}:/tmp ./file1 </dev/null
didn't help, same response, so it may need to have an stty command to zero tty input, I'm guessing now, per Kenster's note.
But how can I create a blank input stream, that will not be prompting the user if the script is run interactively?
Instead of that disable password authentication.
scp -o BatchMode=yes -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o PubkeyAuthentication=yes ...