A little lost in ProseMirror at the moment and trying to understand the correct way to replace the text of the current selection. I want to be able to toggle the case between lower/upper case.
will return slice of the relevant nodes under the selection, and the content that is selected, but does not return the range within each node that would need to replaced.
I assume I would need to create a new text node to replace the range within each selected node something like:
const updatedText = node.textContent.toUpperCase();
const textNode = state.schema.text(updatedText);
transaction = transaction.replaceWith(startPos, startPos + node.nodeSize, textNode);
How do I get the range to replace within each node?
Unfortunately, I cannot find a suitable example.
Ended up with the following that uses replaceWith.
May be a better solution, but hopefully this helps others.
See comments inline:
const execute = (casing, state, dispatch) => {
// grab the current transaction and selection
let tr = state.tr;
const selection = tr.selection;
// check we will actually need a to dispatch transaction
let shouldUpdate = false;
state.doc.nodesBetween(selection.from, selection.to, (node, position) => {
// we only processing text, must be a selection
if (!node.isTextblock || selection.from === selection.to) return;
// calculate the section to replace
const startPosition = Math.max(position + 1, selection.from);
const endPosition = Math.min(position + node.nodeSize, selection.to);
// grab the content
const substringFrom = Math.max(0, selection.from - position - 1);
const substringTo = Math.max(0, selection.to - position - 1);
const updatedText = node.textContent.substring(substringFrom, substringTo);
// set the casing
const textNode = (casing === 'uppercase')
? state.schema.text(updatedText.toUpperCase(), node.marks)
: state.schema.text(updatedText.toLocaleLowerCase(), node.marks);
// replace
tr = tr.replaceWith(startPosition, endPosition, textNode);
shouldUpdate = true;
if (dispatch && shouldUpdate) {