i have a problem when i want to shoot in Y axis. I dont know where is the problmem, when i run it i only can fire horizontally(X axis). The program doesnt shows any error. I was able to shoot both ways but the bullets were changing direction with the character, when i fixed that i was only able to shoot in one direction.
import pygame
import math
win = pygame.display.set_mode((480, 320))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
walkup = [pygame.image.load("Soldier-1up.png"), pygame.image.load("Soldier-2up.png"),
walkdown = [pygame.image.load("Soldier-1down.png"), pygame.image.load("Soldier-2down.png"),
walkright = [pygame.image.load("Soldier-1right.png"), pygame.image.load("Soldier-2right.png"),
walkleft = [pygame.image.load("Soldier-1left.png"), pygame.image.load("Soldier-2left.png"),
bg = pygame.image.load("bg.png")
ch = pygame.image.load("Soldier-1up.png")
bulletimg = pygame.image.load("bullet.png")
class player(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.vel = 5
self.walkcount = 0
self.right = False
self.left = False
self.up = False
self.down = False
self.standing = True
def draw(self, win):
if self.walkcount + 1 >= 60:
self.walkcount = 0
if not (self.standing):
if self.left:
win.blit(walkleft[self.walkcount // 20], (self.x, self.y))
self.walkcount += 1
elif self.right:
win.blit(walkright[self.walkcount // 20], (self.x, self.y))
self.walkcount += 1
elif self.up:
win.blit(walkup[self.walkcount // 20], (self.x, self.y))
self.walkcount += 1
elif self.down:
win.blit(walkdown[self.walkcount // 20], (self.x, self.y))
self.walkcount += 1
if self.up:
win.blit(walkup[0], (self.x, self.y))
elif self.down:
win.blit(walkdown[0], (self.x, self.y))
elif self.right:
win.blit(walkright[0], (self.x, self.y))
elif self.left:
win.blit(walkleft[0], (self.x, self.y))
class Bullet(object):
def __init__(self, bullet_x, bullet_y, radius, color, vertfacing, hortfacing):
self.bullet_x = bullet_x
self.bullet_y = bullet_y
self.radius = radius
self.color = color
self.speed = 6
self.vertfacing = vertfacing
self.hortfacing = hortfacing
def draw(self, screen):
pygame.draw.circle(screen, self.color, (self.bullet_x, self.bullet_y), self.radius)
def move(self):
if self.hortfacing == -1:
self.bullet_x -= self.speed
elif self.hortfacing == 1:
self.bullet_x += self.speed
elif self.vertfacing == 1:
self.bullet_y += self.speed
elif self.vertfacing == -1:
self.bullet_y -= self.speed
def RedrawGame():
win.blit(bg, (0, 0))
for bullet in bullets:
man = player(80, 100, 64, 64)
bullets = []
vertfacing = -1
hortfacing = 1
run = True
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
for bullet in bullets:
if bullet.bullet_x < 480 and bullet.bullet_x > 0 and bullet.bullet_y < 320 and bullet.bullet_y > 0:
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_SPACE]:
if man.left:
hortfacing = -1
elif man.right:
hortfacing = 1
elif man.up:
vertfacing = -1
elif man.down:
vertfacing = 1
if len(bullets) < 100:
bullet = Bullet(round(man.x + man.width // 2),
round(man.y + man.height // 2), 6, (255, 165, 0),
vertfacing, hortfacing)
if keys[pygame.K_a] and man.x >= man.vel:
man.x -= man.vel
man.right = False
man.left = True
man.up = False
man.down = False
man.standing = False
elif keys[pygame.K_d] and man.x < 480 - man.width:
man.x += man.vel
man.right = True
man.left = False
man.up = False
man.down = False
man.standing = False
elif keys[pygame.K_s] and man.y < 320 - man.height:
man.y += man.vel
man.right = False
man.left = False
man.up = False
man.down = True
man.standing = False
elif keys[pygame.K_w] and man.y >= man.vel:
man.y -= man.vel
man.right = False
man.left = False
man.up = True
man.down = False
man.standing = False
man.standing = True
man.walkcount = 0
You have to set hortfacing
and vertfacing
dependent on the direction. First, set hortfacing
and vertfacing
to 0, then set the corresponding variable dependent on the direction:
if keys[pygame.K_SPACE]:
hortfacing, vertfacing = 0, 0
if man.left:
hortfacing = -1
elif man.right:
hortfacing = 1
elif man.up:
vertfacing = -1
elif man.down:
vertfacing = 1